School Nurse
Prepare for Your Student's Health at School
Washington state law requires that school staff and parents/guardians plan together for the safe care of their child throughout the school day.
Health Issues​
Please report any health issue your child has that could impact safety and learning at school to the school nurse. We ask that families fill out a Student Health Record each year for each child.
Medication at School
Students who must take prescription medication, or have rescue medications at school because of a life threatening condition, are required to have a Medication Authorization Form completed by the student's health care provider and signed by the parent/guardian. This form is kept on file with the school nurse.
​Over-the-Counter Medication
Students in grades 6-12 (only) may carry a 1-day supply of over-the-counter medication (such as Ibuprofen or Tums) for their own use with appropriate authorization from the parent/guardian, and approved by the School Nurse. Medications must be in the original container labeled with the student’s name. The school accepts no responsibility for adverse reactions when the medication is dispensed in accordance to this agreement. This agreement may be revoked at any time if the terms of the agreement are not being followed and is good for the current school year.
Agreement to Self-Administer and Carry Over the Counter Medication form
Immunization Resources
School-aged children (K-12) in before and after-school programs must meet the immunization requirements for their grade in school. Look through the links below to see immunization requirements and find appropriate forms to submit.
Riverview School District Immunizations
Seattle King County Public Health
When to Keep Your Student Home From School
Students with a fever of 100° F or higher should stay home for at least 24 hours and not attend school until fever-free for 24 hours, without fever-reducing medications
Students with a cough or sore throat, especially with a fever, should stay home from school until at least 24 hours after flu-like symptoms have resolved
Vomiting or diarrhea, until symptom free for 24 hours
Pink eye, with or without drainage, until treated
Body rash