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World Language Proficiency Test

STAMP World Language Proficiency Test available at Tolt this Winter!

¡Hola! Сәлем नमस्कार

Does your child speak, read and write in a language other than English? If so, they could potentially earn high school credit and satisfy their world language requirement for high school graduation. Students who take and pass the STAMP World Language Proficiency Test could earn 1 to 4 high school credits to apply for graduation credit.

  • When: Wednesday, January 8 (Students would be pulled from their classes to test during the school day)

  • Where: Tolt MS

  • Who: The ideal student to take this test should be able to comfortably speak, read and write in a world language other than English.

  • Cost: $40 to $80 for one language test (The cost is dependent upon the language test ordered and number of other students who take the test in that world language at Tolt). Test ordered will be charged to your child’s account as a student fee.

  • How: The test takes an average of 3 hours and testing will be done on their school issued laptops. Students need to provide their own headphones with a microphone. Sample tests can be found here: Sample Tests | Avant Assessment.


Interested? Contact Carmen Hobbs ( to order a test. 

Deadline to order is noon on Wednesday, November 27.


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The Riverview School District provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment.

Tolt Middle School | 3740 Tolt Ave. Carnation, WA 98014 | Phone: 425.844.4600 | © 2022 Riverview School District

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