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Skyward Dark Days

Skyward was turned off for all users on Tuesday, February 20, as we migrate to Qmlativ. As mentioned previously, the time between Skyward and Qmlativ is referred to as Dark Days, which will continue through the end of the day on February 28th. Please be aware of the following impacts on students and families:

Food Services: There will be no "a la carte" service or 2nd entrée options. Students will be able to purchase a full meal or milk only. Our lunchroom staff will not be able to take payments during this time. Please note that a hot lunch option is always available to students regardless of account balance.

Attendance: Teachers will continue to take attendance daily. Families, please continue to call or email our Attendance Office to report absences during the transition window. Attendance will not be updated until the weeks following the migration to Qmlativ. 

Fees/eFunds: Online payments cannot be accepted during the Dark Days. Families can bring cash or check to Tolt's Main Office to pay fees. 

We greatly appreciate your patience during this transition!


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The Riverview School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees are designated to handle inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures:

Civil Rights and Title IX/RCW 28A.640 Officer, Donna Reier (425.844.4500 | and
Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Jolene Barrett (425.844.4515 or, located at 15510 – 1st Ave. NE, P.O. Box 519, Duvall, WA 98019.

The Riverview School District provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment.

Tolt Middle School | 3740 Tolt Ave. Carnation, WA 98014 | Phone: 425.844.4600 | © 2022 Riverview School District

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